Kamis, 30 Maret 2017

Tool Hack Credit Card 2017

Hal ini juga pernah di alami oleh penulis yang ingin berlangganan majalah game luar negeri dengan pembayaran online lewat kartu kredit.
Para hacker sangat suka sekali kejahatan yang satu ini, kenapa? Karena kalau cuma nge-hack website atau deface (merubah tampilan/link website) merupakan sesuatu yang tidak ada untungnya. Dan hal ini bisa ke deteksi dan pelaku kejahatan bisa ketangkap dengan mudah kalau sites yang dia masuki memiliki TRACKER (program pelacak ip/link) atau LOG FILE (file yang mencatat aktivitas user/ip yang masuk ke website).
Kalau carding mereka bisa bebas tanpa jejak dan juga kadang-kadang setelah mendapatkan datanya, mereka sebarkan antar hacker sehingga susah dilacak orang pertama yang mencuri data kartu kredit. Kejadian baru-baru ini yaitu situs internet teroris Indonesia juga di register dari hasil carding.
Ada beberapa cara yang digunakan oleh hacker dalam mencuri kartu kredit, antara lain:
  • Paket sniffer, cara ini adalah cara yang paling cepat untuk mendapatkan data apa saja. Konsep kerjanya mereka cukup memakai program yang dapat melihat atau membuat logging file dari data yang dikirim oleh website e-commerce (penjualan online) yang mereka incar. Pada umumnya mereka mengincar website yang tidak dilengkapi security encryption atau situs yang tidak memiliki security yang bagus.
  • Membuat program spyware, trojan, worm dan sejenisnya yang berfungsi seperti keylogger (keyboard logger, program mencatat aktifitas keyboard) dan program ini disebar lewat E-mail Spamming (taruh file-nya di attachment), mirc (chatting), messenger (yahoo, MSN), atau situs-situs tertentu dengan icon atau iming-iming yang menarik netter untuk mendownload dan membuka file tersebut. Program ini akan mencatat semua aktivitas komputer anda ke dalam sebuah file, dan akan mengirimnya ke email hacker. Kadang-kadang program ini dapat dijalankan langsung kalau anda masuk ke situs yang di buat hacker atau situs porno.
  • Membuat situs phising, yaitu situs sejenis atau kelihatan sama seperti situs aslinya. contoh di Indonesia ketika itu situs klik bca (www.klikbca.com), pernah mengalami hal yang sama. situs tersebut tampilannya sama seperti klikbca tetapi alamatnya dibikin beberapa yang berbeda seperti www.clikbca.comwww.kikbca.com, dll, jadi kalau netter yang salah ketik, akan nyasar ke situs tersebut. Untungnya orang yang membuat situs tersebut katanya tidak bermaksud jahat. Nah kalau hacker carding yang buat tuh situs, siap-siap deh kartu kredit anda bakal jebol.
  • Menjebol situs e-commerce itu langsung dan mencuri semua data para pelanggannya. Cara ini agak sulit dan perlu pakar hacker atau hacker yang sudah pengalaman untuk melakukannya. Pada umumnya mereka memakai metode injection (memasukan script yang dapat dijalankan oleh situs/server) bagi situs yang memiliki firewall. Ada beberapa cara injection antara lain yang umum digunakan html injection dan SQL injection. Bagi situs yang tidak memiliki security atau firewall, siap-siaplah dikerjain abis-abisan.
Ada beberapa cara lagi yang dilakukan para hacker, tapi cara-cara di atas adalah cara yang paling umum dilakukan hacker untuk carding. Cara yang tidak umum akan dijelaskan nanti di lain waktu. Kejahatan tidak hanya terjadi karena ada niat dari si pelaku, tetapi karena adanya kesempatan, waspadalah… waspadalah…

Tool Hack whaff $9 per hari

 - Sebelumnya ane menemukan postingan dari forum tempat ane banyak belajar dan untuk itu saya ingin membagi trik untuk mendapatkan dolar dariWHAFF REWARDS, mungkin Trik ini hanya beberapa orang yang tau . 
Berikut ini saya akan jelasin Step by stepnya 
  1. Jika belum Tau itu apa itu whaff rewards bisa lihat postingan saya sebelumnya "mendapatkan uang dari whaff"
  2.  Jika tidak keberatan Bisa menggunakan Kode Punya Saya,,hehehe Jika anda sudah tau apa itu whaff dan bagaimana cara kerjanya disini saya akan bagikan triknya
Keuntungan menggunakan Softwer/app ini adalah:
  • Kita bisa INVITE kode kita sendiri dengan Facebook lain
  •  Semakin banyak FACEBOOK semakin banyak dolar yang kita dapatkan

  • Softwer ini hanya bisa di gunakan di HandPhone Yang CPU MEDIATEK
  • HH kamu harus sudah di ROOT

Tool Hack Facebook 2017

There are about a billion users of Facebook nowadays which constitutes to about a sixth of the world’s population. So when someone is hacking an account, they are attacking one in every six people on the planet. And it has become pretty easy for hackers to hack into Facebook accounts. Researchers managed to prove that as long as someone has a phone number of the target, then they can certainly take control of the person’s Facebook account. Of course, the attacker would need some few hacking skills.
It’s pretty scary when you think about it because at the end of the day you will think that you have put all the measures possible to protect your account only to realize that it might be futile. Through the SS7 network, hackers can enter your Facebook account without any problems. As long as they know how to exploit the SS7 flaw and remember this flaw has nothing to do with Facebook but an issue with the so-called Signaling System Number 7.
The SS7 flaw has been discovered to be a pathway for many hacking attempts, ranging from listening in on phone calls to sending and receiving text messages. But the latest revelation is that it can also be used for hijacking social media accounts which have a phone number provided on them. The Signaling System Number 7SS7 in short, is a signaling protocol being used by 800 telecom operators worldwide as their tool of exchanging information amongst themselves. Information such as cross-carrier billing, roaming enablement and other features all work through SS7.
The one problem with SS7, however, is that it trusts all messages sent to it without checking the origin. Therefore, hackers can simply divert any messages or calls from the SS7 network to their own devices by simply tricking it. All that is needed for this technique to work is the victim’s phone number, and they can start their snooping.

Rabu, 29 Maret 2017

Zuma (video game)

Zuma is a tile-matching puzzle video game published by PopCap Games. It can be played for free online at several Web sites, and can be purchased for a number of platforms, including PDAsmobile phones, and the iPod.[1] An enhanced version, called Zuma Deluxe, is available for purchase in Windows and Mac OS X versions and as an Xbox Live Arcade download for the Xbox 360 and aPlayStation Network download for the PlayStation 3.[2]
Zuma received the 2004 "Game of the Year" award from RealArcade.[3]
The sequel, Zuma's Revenge! was launched on 15 September 2009 for Windows and Mac.[4] Zuma Blitz went live on Facebook on 14 December 2010, and was described by PopCap as "the social adaptation" providing players with "the first competitive and cooperative iteration of Zuma in the game's history."[5]
The title of the game derives from the name of Aztec leader Moctezuma II

Macintosh operating systems

The family of Macintosh operating systems developed by Apple Inc. includes the graphical user interface-based operating systems it has designed for use with its Macintosh series of personal computers since 1984, as well as the related system software it once created for compatible third-party systems.
In 1984, Apple debuted the operating system that is now known as the "Classic" Mac OS with its release of the original Macintosh System Software. The system, rebranded "Mac OS" in 1996, was preinstalled on every Macintosh until 2002 and offered on Macintosh clones for a short time in the 1990s. Noted for its ease of use, it was also criticized for its lack of modern technologies compared to its competitors.[1][2]
The current Mac operating system is macOS, originally named "Mac OS X" until 2012 and then "OS X" until 2016.[3]Developed between 1997 and 2001 after Apple's purchase of NeXT, Mac OS X brought an entirely new architecture based on NeXTSTEP, a Unix system, that eliminated many of the technical challenges that faced the classic Mac OS. The current macOS is preinstalled with every Mac and is updated annually.[4] It is the basis of Apple's current system software for its other devices, iOSwatchOS, and tvOS.[5]
Prior to the introduction of Mac OS X, Apple experimented with several other concepts, releasing different products designed to bring the Macintosh interface or applications toUnix-like systems or vice versa, A/UXMAE, and MkLinux. Apple's effort to expand upon and develop a replacement for its classic Mac OS in the 1990s led to a few cancelled projects, code named Star TrekTaligent, and Copland.
Although they have different architectures, the Macintosh operating systems share a common set of GUI principles, including a menu bar across the top of the screen; the Findershell, featuring a desktop metaphor that represents files and applications using icons and relates concepts like directories and file deletion to real-world objects like folders and atrash can; and overlapping windows for multitasking. The Macintosh is credited with having popularized this concept.

Server (computing)

In computing, a server is a computer program or a device that provides functionality for other programs or devices, called "clients". Thisarchitecture is called the client–server model, and a single overall computation is distributed across multiple processes or devices. Servers can provide various functionalities, often called "services", such as sharing data or resources among multiple clients, or performing computation for a client. A single server can serve multiple clients, and a single client can use multiple servers. A client process may run on the same device or may connect over a network to a server on a different device.[1] Typical servers are database serversfile serversmail serversprint serversweb serversgame servers, and application servers.[2]
Client–server systems are today most frequently implemented by (and often identified with) the request–response model: a client sends a request to the server, which performs some action and sends a response back to the client, typically with a result or acknowledgement. Designating a computer as "server-class hardware" implies that it is specialized for running servers on it. This often implies that it is more powerful and reliable than standard personal computers, but alternatively, large computing clusters may be composed of many relatively simple, replaceable server components.

Ubuntu (philosophy)

Ubuntu (/ʊˈbntʊ/ uu-boon-tuuZulu pronunciation: [ùɓúntʼù])[1][2] is a Nguni Bantu term meaning "humanity". It is often also translated as "humanity towards others", but is often used in a more philosophical sense to mean "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity".[3]
In Southern Africa, it has come to be used as a term for a kind of humanist philosophy, ethic, or ideology, also known as Ubuntuism propagated in the Africanisation (transition to majority rule) process of these countries during the 1980s and 1990s.
Since the transition to democracy in South Africa with the Nelson Mandela presidency in 1994, the term has become more widely known outside of Southern Africa, notably popularised to English language readers by Desmond Tutu.

Tool Hack Credit Card 2017

Hal ini juga pernah di alami oleh penulis yang ingin berlangganan majalah game luar negeri dengan pembayaran online lewat kartu kredit. P...